1 in 44 children is diagnosed with autism.
They see and understand the world differently than you.
And parents need resources to help them do so successfully!

Awareness for Autism exists to bring free support and resources to parents and caregivers of children with autism in Toronto and GTA.

And we’re now raising funds to help parents cover the cost of tuition to autism centres in the area - so children get the ASD-focused services they deserve.

our mission

If you’re a parent or a caregiver for a child with autism, we understand what it’s like to face an ASD journey without the support you need. And we understand what it’s like to worry about the financial situation that ASD-focused therapies and services demand. We are in those shoes because we’re currently walking through an ASD journey, too.

You don’t have to do this alone. By raising awareness and creating free support and resources for parents and caregivers like you, we’ll be with you every step of the way.

And through our fundraising initiatives, we’re working to help cover the cost of tuition at ASD-focused centres for parents and caregivers in Toronto and GTA.



Awareness for Autism is collecting funds to help parents and caregivers cover the cost of tuition at ASD centres in Toronto and GTA

ASD Community Support for Parents & Caregivers

Have you just received a diagnosis? Don’t face you and your child’s ASD journey alone. Join our free ASD support group for parents and caregivers, like you!

Uncover More About Autism Spectrum Disorder

There’s a lot to learn about ASD, but most doctors’ offices don’t give you more than a pamphlet! We have an entire blog dedicated to help you understand more about ASD. 

The 1 in 44 children with autism in Toronto and their families need your help!

Your gift to Awareness for Autism makes sure we can continue helping parents cover the cost of tuition to ASD centres. And by doing so, their child receives the services they deserve to lead an empowered life!


Are you a parent or caregiver of a child with autism and looking for support? 

We deliver email newsletters straight to your inbox each quarter. You’ll find a lot of free resources, from navigating the first steps after receiving your child’s diagnosis, to understanding different options available to you.

Leave us your email below, and we’ll send you free resources!

Are you looking for ways to support Awareness for Autism so we can give families with children with ASD in the Toronto area the support they need?

Are you looking for ways to support Awareness for Autism so we can give families with children with ASD in the Toronto area the support they need?

Leave us your email, and we’ll add you to our list!