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Contact Awareness for Autism

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Whether you have questions or concerns, or you’re looking for ways to get involved with Awareness for Autism, we want to hear from you! We’re looking forward to connecting and partnering with you to make a difference in the lives of families with children with autism in Toronto!

Fill out the contact form,
and someone from our team will be in touch within 1-2 business days!

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Frequently Asked questions about awareness for autism

Who is Awareness for Autism supporting?

Awareness for Autism supports families and caregivers who have one or more kids with autism spectrum disorder in Toronto and GTA.

Can you explain how Awareness for Autism is supporting parents with children who have ASD in more detail?

Awareness for Autism offers support through an autism community support group. Once a month, we host a live support group call so parents who are navigating the steps of learning about ASD can receive help, answers to questions, and more from a community that is going through a similar journey.

We’re also supporting parents with ASD by donating the funds we receive to local ASD centres in Toronto and GTA. The funds that go to these centres are then directly distributed to parents to help cover the costs of tuition.

We want to make it very clear that these funds are not given to the centres to be used for routine maintenance, upkeep, or employee salaries or benefits. The funds given to the centres are re-distributed to parents who need financial support with tuition fees.

Where do the funds go when I purchase a t-shirt from Awareness for Autism?

When you purchase a t-shirt from Awareness for Autism, the proceeds go to the funds we distribute among local ASD centres in Toronto and GTA.

So by purchasing a t-shirt from Awareness for Autism, you’re helping children with autism in Toronto and GTA get access to individualized services - the gold standard for kids with autism! And you’re bringing awareness to the cause. Show your support and pride for the beautiful ASD child in your life!

What ASD centres in Toronto and GTA does Awareness for Autism support?

Currently, Awareness for Autism donates funds to ASD centres in Toronto and GTA, where specialists are able to provide individualized services for children with autism.

We are working to expand our list as we continue to grow our non-profit organization. And we’d love your help to do it! Here’s how you can support Awareness for Autism and funding for autism in Ontario.

I have a child with ASD. How can I receive support from Awareness for Autism?

First and foremost, we want to welcome you with open arms to our family at Awareness for Autism! We understand that it can be an emotional time after receiving the diagnosis of ASD for your child.

That’s exactly why we created our supportive community. If you’re looking to join our community network and receive support, head to our Resources page!

The 1 in 44 children with autism in Toronto and their families need your help!

Your gift to Awareness for Autism makes sure we can continue helping parents cover the cost of tuition to ASD centres. And by doing so, their child receives the services they deserve to lead an empowered life!


Are you a parent or caregiver of a child with autism and looking for support? 

We deliver email newsletters straight to your inbox each quarter. You’ll find a lot of free resources, from navigating the first steps after receiving your child’s diagnosis, to understanding different options available to you.

Leave us your email below, and we’ll send you free resources!

Are you looking for ways to support Awareness for Autism so we can give families with children with ASD in the Toronto area the support they need?

Are you looking for ways to support Awareness for Autism so we can give families with children with ASD in the Toronto area the support they need?

Leave us your email, and we’ll add you to our list!