
Cost shouldn’t be the one thing keeping kids with autism from receiving the services they deserve.

With your help, more families can receive funding for autism in Ontario to enroll their children into ASD centres that provide life-changing services!

When you give to Awareness for Autism,
Kids with autism in Toronto and GTA get more from life.

Imagine helping a child with autism who is non-verbal continue their individualized services, and soon carry on full conversations with their parents. Imagine helping a child go from only wanting to play by himself in the corner to making friends with new students in his class!

Your gift to Awareness for Autism is used to help cover the cost of tuition at much-needed ASD centres in Toronto and GTA.

#1: Give to Support Autism Grants in Ontario

Awareness for Autism collects funds from supporters like you and then distributes them to ASD centres in Toronto and GTA.

Those centres then allocate the money to families with enrolled children to help them cover the cost of tuition.

When you give to Awareness for Autism, you’re giving the gift of gold-standard services for kids with autism in Toronto and GTA! 

#2: April 30th CHARITY WALK

Our first ever charity walk will be taking place Sunday April 30th at North Maple Regional Park at 9am! 

Let's gather to raise money for families in the community who need funds for life saving therapies for their children with ASD, spread awareness of autism, connect with each other and have a great time!

#3: Shop for a New Wardrobe to Give Funding for Autism in Ontario

Awareness for Autism has designed special t-shirts to celebrate our children with autism.

So even shopping for new clothes can help kids with autism get the services they deserve!

Awareness for Autism t-shirt proceeds go directly to the funds to help cover the cost of tuition at ASD centres in Toronto and GTA.

90% of children who receive ASD-focused therapies and services gain a better, more independent lifestyle!

According to the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, early detection and support through therapies, like Applied Behavioural Analysis therapy, help kids with autism develop better life and social skills. ABA therapy is considered the gold standard when it comes to ASD-focused therapies.

But ABA therapy and other individualized services quickly become a major financial hurdle for many families. And government-funded grants for autism are limited. Not to mention, with every birthday, their gift is a reduction in funding.

That’s why Awareness for Autism is dedicated to raising awareness and funding for autism in Ontario. We’re helping parents and caregivers cover the cost of tuition to one of the many amazing ASD centres we have in Toronto and GTA!

Can’t you imagine this feel-good feeling?

Giving a child with autism right here in Toronto the ability to continue their services.

Services to help this child go from sitting alone in the corner
to welcoming everyone who walks into the classroom!

Services to help this child go from not speaking a word
to carrying on lively conversations.

Services to help this child develop critical life and social skills
to live an independent life.

The 1 in 44 children with autism in Toronto and their families need your help!

Your gift to Awareness for Autism makes sure we can continue helping parents cover the cost of tuition to ASD centres. And by doing so, their child receives the services they deserve to lead an empowered life!


Are you a parent or caregiver of a child with autism and looking for support? 

We deliver email newsletters straight to your inbox each quarter. You’ll find a lot of free resources, from navigating the first steps after receiving your child’s diagnosis, to understanding different options available to you.

Leave us your email below, and we’ll send you free resources!

Are you looking for ways to support Awareness for Autism so we can give families with children with ASD in the Toronto area the support they need?

Are you looking for ways to support Awareness for Autism so we can give families with children with ASD in the Toronto area the support they need?

Leave us your email, and we’ll add you to our list!